Sunday, July 31, 2011

Research on stress of workers

A research was to find out, performed via the stress level among the workers of the mental health charity. Spirit, called the research, found that most are workers fear, release from the Office, in the event that they mention about their mental health. Work is the most stress factor in their lives.

The study was carried out under the two thousand employees. It is believed by all five respondents that they are placed in the line of redundancy when they mention on stress. Around 22 percent of them lost their jobs as before had they their mental health issues to their employer announced.

Mr Paul farmer said the Chief Executive of the research, that stress and mental health unacceptable structure are concepts for modern work. Stress and pressure are inevitably aspects of our life, but not to understand, a mistake that will cost billions of pounds in companies is that there is a limit to anyone. The stigma of mental health problems is immense and the staff are fear silence about stress at work for fear of losing their jobs.

According to research, almost half of those surveyed workers are to take fear leaves for health issues. You can be considered redundant in such a case. The fear of redundancy seems to be more for public sector workers. One-third of workers be stressed if there is a reduction to the households. About two-thirds of the employees complain that they were put under immense pressure from the management level, especially after the downturn.

Four of all ten employees said, stress, or mental health is a taboo in the field of work and as excuses for other purposes. Stress is a reality of everyone's still unaddressed in the work tree today remain update problem life.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Is it safe DIET you did?

    Live the diet correctly and as needed so as not to lead to catastrophe for health. Having an ideal body is a dream of all people. Because the body with excess weight tend to be more susceptible to various diseases. Choose the right diet and regular exercise to be healthy and ideal body. Various types of diet It is important to choose the right diet for everyone are physically different. Learn in advance the types of popular diets from time to time, particularly the advantages and disadvantages of each, before deciding to choose a diet that is appropriate for you. • Atkins Diet Popular in the 2000s, discovered by Dr. Robert Atkins. The body will burn fat reserves when the body is no longer carbohydrates as fuel. Food consumed was mostly foods that contain protein and fat, like cheese, eggs and butter. Atkins diet is indeed proven to reduce weight quickly. A study showed that those who follow this diet can lose weight up to 7 pounds in 6 months. Beware! High-protein diet can aggravate the kidneys and your liver. The minimal consumption of vegetables and fruit can also make your body drawback to the intake of vitamins, minerals and fiber, consequently the body can not function normally. • South Beach Diet Beginning Dr. Arthur Agatston created this diet to help patients lower cholesterol and blood sugar. Foods that may be consumed must be in accordance with the phase of the diet, with processed foods and soft drinks as a prohibition. South Beach diet can reduce the loss of up to 6 kg in only 2 weeks in the first phase, but it also kind of diet is believed to prolong life and maintain health. Beware! Initially a bit difficult to follow this diet because you have to forget about food and drink favorites, such as potatoes, bread, cake and ice cream. Although this type of diet is proven to reduce weight, not actual fat content is reduced, but the water content in our body. • Bloodtype Diet Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, a naturopathic, had the idea that blood type is of key importance in determining the appropriate food. By eating foods according to blood type can reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease, while maintaining the stability of body weight. Beware! Many nutritionists are not mengkonfi rmasi this study and assume that this theory is not based on scientific literature. Choosing the appropriate type of diet Almost all types of diets offer a "slim fast", but be careful in choosing the type of diet that will be executed because the diet was not necessarily appropriate for the body. Here are some tips on choosing the right diet and appropriate, in order not to harm the body. 1.Pelajari. Gather lots of information and consideration also underlies your opinion of nutrition experts and research studies. 2.Waspadai side effects. Know your body past medical history, if suffering from certain types of diseases such as anemia, allergies or high blood pressure make sure you disclose it to a dietician. 3.Disiplin. Do not try to improvise in terms of diet, follow the diet that you live and discipline yourself so as not easily tempted. Any reducing food intake can make you malnourished. 4.Take your time. At the beginning of the diet for our bodies to do the adaptation process and this process takes time. Avoid doing activities that drain your energy so you do not feel tired. 5.Olahraga. Make exercise part of your diet and lifestyle. Choose your favorite sport to suit your ability.

5 Reasons You Need To Eat Apples, Now

Apple is a fruit that is quite easy to get. The taste is sweet and fresh would make a great snack straight, or turned into juice, salads, and even cakes. But not only taste amazing, apple also has many health benefits. You must know the various health benefits of apples for the day-to-day. So, why not start getting used to enjoy it a daily?
1. Apple is slow food
    This fruit contains 5 grams of fiber, or 20 percent of your daily intake needs. Because hard, apple requires you to chew with the patient, and this could signal the body that you're full, before you get too many calories. Natural sweetener in apple enters the bloodstream gradually, helping you keep your blood sugar and insulin levels remain stable, so you feel full longer. This is the opposite of snacks with artificial sweeteners, which makes you hungry again quickly.
2. Apples help you breathe easier
    Women, who eat apples during pregnancy, will give birth to a child with a reduced risk of asthma, according to researchers from the UK recently. It also can protect the lungs of adults, lowering the risk of asthma, lung cancer and other diseases.
3. Apples can lower cholesterol
    Thanks to two key components, pectin (a type of fiber) and polyphenols (a powerful antioxidant), apples can reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent oxidation of bad cholesterol, a chemical process that turns it into plaque that clogs arteries. To maximize the benefits of apples, eating apples with the skin. Apple skins have two to six times the antioxidant compounds.
4. Apple could fight cancer
    Laboratory test results showed that some compounds in the juicy fruit curb the growth of cancer cells, but will work optimally when the apple is eaten whole (minus the stem and seeds, of course). People who consume more than one apple a day will reduce the risk of some cancers (mouth, esophagus, colon, breast, ovarian, prostate, etc.) amounting to 9-42 per cent.
5. Apples make you smarter
    Perhaps because of increased production of acetylcholine, a chemical that transmits messages between nerve cells, apples are thought to keep the brain sharp as you age, increase memory, and potentially reduce the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease, according to a recent study from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. This study was just done on animals. But there's nothing wrong if you start trying to get used to eating this nutritious snack.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Benefits of exercise

Sports Olahraga2.gifdengar said there must be something Seneng Hate ato ... but all must Dah tw SeBenerNa Sports Klo Tu penting bgt ... Yes ... Yes .. well ... The word ipin c GTU. Many of the benefits of e Um Why, as follows:

Increases range of motion
Increases stamina
Releasing anxiety
Relieve sexual performance
Relieves symptoms of menopause
Helps prevent heart disease
Preventing osteoporosis
Improve mental acuity
Improve concentration
Reduce the risk of breast cancer
Improving outlook on life
Reduce arthritis pain
Controlling cholesterol
Burn fat
Speeding up metabolism
Eliminate pre-menstrual symptoms
Help us stop smoking
Relieves depression
Reducing the cost of living
Improving job satisfaction
Preserve muscle
Preserve the internal organs (liver, kidney)
Improving reaction time
Improving cardiovascular fitness
Increase energy
Improving coordination of nerves and muscles
Increases the body's ability to fight infection
Reduce the risk of glaucoma
Reduce the risk of colon cancer
Lowering blood pressure
Reduce the risk of obesity
Burn calories
Improve constipation
Prevent endometriosis
Reduce alcohol consumption
Reduce stress
Improving self-esteem
Increase feelings of well-
Improve IQ
Enhance creativity
Reducing work absences
Increase productivity
Improve flexibility
Improving blood circulation
Increasing mobility
Improve memory / reduce the risk of dementia
Shorten recovery time after illness or injury
Improve your back health
Sleep soundly
Prolong life
To make it healthier diSaranin Fit Sport 30 Minutes a Day. Quote of regular exercise performed more frequently and will be better than exercising for 3 hours but 2 weeks or more.

Easiest Ways To Move Body

We often hear about a healthy lifestyle: not smoking, healthy weight, eating healthy foods, and diligent exercise. Simple, right? Yes, get a healthy life is actually really easy. Simply by making some small changes, you can begin a healthier life.
BenefitHere are some benefits to be gained by doing light exercise routine:

Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Increase joint stability
Helps maintain the body's flexibility
Maintain bone mass
Prevent osteoporosis and fractures
Improve mood
Improve memory in people who have older
Reduce stress
A study has found that losing weight by 10% able to help obese people reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and increase lifespan.
Your body movementsYou can perform weight-loss program now by doing things light. Forget drugs or heavy equipment to practice, simply by adding a few simple habits in your daily life. Though looks very simple, if done with routine activities, you can get the ideal body weight.
Turn off the TV
Once a week, turn off your TV and try to do other activities that involve more physical such as exercising, or playing with the family. Such activities would be more useful and able to burn more calories than just sitting on the couch.
Find a good chance to walk away. The morning before leaving office, for example, or the evening while taking the dog for a walk your pet.
Do your homework
Gardening, raking leaves or sweeping the floor are some of them. Events such as these may not be classified as an exercise, but by doing so, your body will be more active 'move'. Other benefits? The house becomes more clean and beautiful!
Eating WellEating healthy food is part of a healthy lifestyle. It can support a healthy diet by regulating the diet and the right time and a balanced nutritional intake. You can use the new version of the Food Pyramid to choose foods that will be consumed or simply follow the following tips:

Eat more fruit. Add to cereals at breakfast, salad, or even at dinner.
Camil more vegetables. Happy snacking? Try to insert more vegetables in your snack menu like the peppers on a pizza, tomato on a sandwich, or extra vegetables in pasta sauce. Keep canned vegetables because it is not fresh and did not even make a healthy living. Choose vegetables that are fresh.
Make some substitutes. Open the cupboard or refrigerator where you used to store food. Choose three of the most frequent type of food you consume. Write down the nutrients for each food. The next step, select the food type, but with lower calories.
Creating a healthy lifestyle does not always have to make drastic changes. Often, drastic changes have caused the failure. Start with small changes every day in your life to gain substantial benefits and continue to find out things that can make life was always healthy.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

3 Reasons Sports Morning Better

    Fitness centers are generally filled with office workers who practice cardio or playing instrument since 06.00 am. This is encouraging, because now people are increasingly aware to choose a healthy lifestyle. They are even willing to steal in the midst of his time to practice.
    If you are office workers with irregular working hours, there is no harm in trying this new habit. Instead of drinking coffee to make the body fresh, mild exercise in the morning, because the benefits are also much more. It would be better if you choose to exercise outdoors than indoors. Here's the reason why morning exercise more fun:
1. Improve and enhance the mood
    Sleep disorders, stress will load the job at hand, or a fight with a lover, can make you wake up with a grouchy. Mood that was already broken in the morning, will affect your feelings in a day later. Therefore, before the move, you should take the time to exercise. Research shows that exercise can boost endorphins and hormones other feel-good in the body, so as to keep a sense of laziness or upset, and make you smile all day.
2. Helps burn more calories
    According to health experts, the morning exercise can increase metabolism, so as to regulate the body to burn more calories throughout the day. In fact, even when you rest the body is still burning calories.
3. The air is cleaner
    In general, better air quality during the morning, rather than in the afternoon or evening. So when you walk or jog around the neighborhood in the morning, you will breathe cleaner air. You will also be exposed to morning sun. You know, when exposed to morning sun, the body produces vitamin D in large numbers. Vitamin D will help strengthen your bones.
    Start Now with run in the morning

Drink Urine, Is it safe?

   Drinking urine culture has been so for some people for centuries. Does that mean urine safe to drink?
As many as 95 percent of urine is water. The 5 percent again is an electrolyte containing chloride, sodium, and potassium. Urine can also carry toxic waste product remaining kidney.
Sodium attracts water from the cell so that if there's too much in the body, then these compounds can cause dehydration. Meanwhile, too much potassium can be tails on heart attacks.
"It's like drinking sea water," said Jeff Giullian, kidney specialist from South Denver Nephrology Associates in Colorado, USA.
Nevertheless, electrolytes such cells is still needed to generate electricity in the body.
In some cultures, urine is consumed. People in the Iberian Peninsula in 50 BC to use it to whiten teeth. In Sanskrit, the term "amaroli" which means "urine therapy".
Some people are also known to use urine to survive when conditions are less water. And Woolley, who trapped for 65 hours under the ruins of the Hotel Montana in Haiti, admitted drinking his own urine.
Bear Grylls, host of TV show Man vs. Wild, mentions drinking urine as a way to survive. Woolley admitted inspired Grylls.
However, Les Stroud, Survivorman show star, said different things. He put the urine into the list of "do not drink". Eating urine when survival will actually worsen the situation.
When a person is less fluid, electrolyte content becomes redundant and also increased the concentration of acid. Drink it will only aggravate the condition.