Friday, July 20, 2007

ASCII Text Portraits of 100 Popular Bloggers


Blogger ASCII Art - Photo-realistic face portraits of 100 popular bloggers done in ASCII Text. Try to decrease the text size in your web browser for best effects.

This is the first public release featuring the most well known bloggers, expect to see tons of new blog faces in the future versions of Blogger ASCII Project. Suggestions, feedback are always welcome.

What others are saying about the Blogger ASCII Art project:

Vanessa Fox - Heh. That's crazy!

Veronica Belmont (CNet) - Awesome!

Duncan Riley - Very, very cool.

Ryan Stewart (Adobe) - This is awesome Amit! Very well done.

Jeff - Amanda Congdon still looks hot in ASCII!

Darren Rowse (Problogger) - nice Amit - but what's wrong with my forehead? ;-)

Dawud Miracle - Amit, I love it. This rocks. What are you going to do with it?

Adam Pash (Lifehacker) - Very fun.

Ben Gold (Mashable) - I just saw your ASCII blogger art, awesome work!

The first list includes aaron brazell, adam pash, amanda congdon, amit gupta, andy beal, andy beard, andy hagans, anil dash, beth kanter, brian clark, chris garrett, chris messina, chris pearson, chris pirillo, danny sullivan, darren rowse, dave winer, david pogue, dawud miracle, duncan riley, eric giguere, eric rice, frank gruber, gabe rivera, gina trapani, guy kawasaki, howard lindzon, hugh macleod, ian kennedy, index, jason kottke, jason mccabe calacanis, jason shellen, jeff jarvis, jennifer slegg, jeremiah owyang, jeremy schoemaker, jeremy wagstaff, jeremy wright, jeremy zawodny, john battelle, jon udell, kristopher tate, leo laporte, leon ho, liz gannes, loic le meur, long zheng, loren baker, marc orchant, mark evans, marshall kirkpatrick, mary jo foley, mathew ingram, matt cutts, matt mullenweg, merlin mann, michael arrington, michael mcdonald, michael parekh, minic rivera, neil patel, niall kennedy, nick denton, nick douglas, nicole simon, om malik, orli yakuel, paul kedrosky, paul thurrott, pete cashmore, philipp lenssen, rafat ali, rafe needleman, rand fishkin, randy charles morin, richard macmanus, rick klau, robert scoble, robyn tippins, ross mayfield, ryan stewart, scott beale, scott hanselman, scott rafer, seth godin, shawn hogan, shel israel, steve rubel, tara hunt, thomas hawk, tony hung, tris hussey, vanessa fox, veronica belmont, walt mossberg, wendy boswell, wendy cheng, wendy piersall, yaro starak, zoli erdos.


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