Saturday, September 24, 2011

Children born after the unplanned pregnancy is slower to develop

Children born after the unplanned pregnancies tend to have a more limited vocabulary and poorer non-verbal and spatial abilities. However, this almost entirely explained by disadvantaged conditions, according to a new study published today in the British Medical Journal. In the same study reported no adverse effects of infertility treatment for children.
In the United Kingdom, 30-40% of pregnancies ending in childbirth is unplanned, while the number of children born after assisted reproductive technologies is growing every year.
It is already known that children born after prolonged time capture or assisted reproduction are at greater risk of poor health outcomes such as premature birth, low birth weight, congenital anomalies, and some researchers have reported lower cognitive (mental) scores in these children.
Unplanned pregnancies are also poorer results, but there was little investigation to assess whether a child development associated with pregnancy planning.
A team of researchers in the United Kingdom set out to explore how pregnancy planning, time perception and treatment of infertility, the influence of child cognitive development in three to five years.
They analyzed data from approximately 12,000 children from Millennium study, a major study of Uk families and infants born in 2000-2. Were interviews with parents who took part when their child was aged between nine months and then be reconsidered when the child was three to five years.
Mothers reported whether the pregnancy was planned, their emotions at first pregnant, to arrest and details of any processing of sterility.
Each child is verbal, non verbal and spatial abilities were tested at the age of three and five British ability scales.
Initial analysis showed that children born after an unplanned pregnancy was four to five months behind the planned children to verbal abilities, whereas children born after assisted reproduction was three to four months.
However, these differences all but disappeared when the researchers took into account the socio-economic conditions of each child.
The authors conclude: "these differences are almost entirely explained by socio-economic factors, providing further evidence for the influence of socioeconomic inequalities in the lives of children in the United Kingdom. To help children achieve their full potential, policy-makers continue to target social inequalities. "

Provided by the British Medical Journal (news: web)

health and safety

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mexican papayas sicken 99 in the u.s.

Mexican papayas are tainted with salmonella sickened 99 people in the United States, the Centers for disease control and prevention said Tuesday.
No mention of any deaths, but the outbreak spans 23 States and health authorities warned people not to eat fresh, whole papayas imported from Mexico by Agromed production of Alice, Texas.
"Consumers should not eat recalled papayas, and restaurant and food service operators must not serve them," the CDC said.
The company issued a voluntary recall Friday of all Blondie, Yaya, Mananita and Tastylicious chip papayas, which sold prior to July 23 because they could be contaminated.
The first cases in the outbreak of salmonella agona in January and has continued to be reported through mid-July, the CDC said. Twenty-five of the 99 diseases in Texas, the worst hit MAS.
In Mexico, the Ministry of agriculture said Tuesday that it is too early to know whether the Mexican papayas was the source of the disease.
US and Mexican authorities "engage in research in both countries to determine the source of the outbreak of salmonella" that it is time for any conclusive comment on the cause, said Enrique Sanchez, who heads up Mexican food safety.
"For now, Mexican papayas cannot be named as the source of the disease," Sanchez said.
Salmonella poisoning usually causes diarrhea, fever and stomach within 12 to 72 hours of eating and symptoms may take up to one week.
Most people recover without treatment, but it could be people with weak immune system, the elderly and very young people at risk, if the infection spreads to the bloodstream.

(c) AFP 2011

health and safety

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I think healthy to eat healthy: scientists demonstrate link between attention and self-regulation

خطأ hides selsla elghaa vi alnos alasasi lersala elarid llamlia ' Translate '. tom tegaus (8192) elhasa alnsbia lltol lmhatoa alslsla athnaa قراءة alaksa bayanat XML. weimkn zeyada elhasa alnsbia wezelk btghier hazaa alkhasia kaen almstkhedm alla MaxStringContentLength XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas enad enshaa XML قارئ. alistar 1 ' almoodie 2331.Think Healthy, Eat Healthy: Caltech Scientists Show Link Between Attention, Self-Control
When the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) is active, it allows the ventral medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) to take into account health benefits as well as taste when it assigns a value to a particular food. [Credit: Caltech/Hare, et. al.](Medical Xpress)--you're trying to decide what to eat for dinner. Should it be the chicken and broccoli? The super-sized fast-food burger? Skip it entirely and just get someRocky Road?
Making that choice, it turns out, is a complex neurological exercise. But, according to researchers from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), it's one that can be influenced by a simple shifting of attention toward the healthy side of life. And that shift may provide strategies to help us all make choices — takes on not just in terms of the foods we eat, but in other areas, like whether or not we actually pick up a.
Their research is described in a paper published in the July 27 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience.
When you decide what to eat, not only does your brain need to figure out how it feels about a food's taste versus its health benefits versus its size or even its packaging, but it needs to decide the importance of each of those attributes relative to the others. And it needs to do all of this more-or-less instantaneously.
When the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) is active, it allows the ventral medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) to take into account health benefits as well as taste when it assigns a value to a particular food.
[Credit: Caltech/Hare, et. al.]
Antonio Rangel, professor of economics and neuroscience at Caltech, has been studying this value-deriving and decision-making process for years now. Along with Todd Hare — a former postdoc at Caltech who is now an assistant professor of neuroeconomics at the University of Zurich in Switzerland — he published a paper in Science in 2009 describing differences in the brains of people who are better at exercising self-control than others. What they found was that while everyone uses the same area of the brain — the ventral medial prefrontal cortex, or vmPFC — to make value-laden decisions like what to munch on, there's a second brain area — the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, or dlPFC — that seems to come to life when a person is using self-control during the decision-making process.
In other words, when the dlPFC is active, it allows the vmPFC to take into account health benefits as well as taste when it assigns a value to a particular food.

The new study goes a step further, showing that there seem to be ways to help kickstart the dlPFC through the use of what Hare calls "external pool cues" that allow us to exhibit more self-control than we might have otherwise.
The researchers came to their conclusions based on data from a brain-imaging experiment conducted with 33 adult volunteers, none of whom were following a specific diet or trying to lose weight for any reason. Each of the volunteers was shown 180 different food items — from chips and candy bars to intros and broccoli — through a set of video goggles while in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine.
The hungry subjects — they were asked to fast for at least three hours prior to the experiment — were given up to three seconds to respond to each picture with a decision about whether or not they'd want to eat the food shown after the experiment was over. They could either give the food a strong "no, no" a "," a "yes" or a "strong yes." Once all of the images had been flipped through, a single food image was chosen at random? if the volunteer had said "yes" or "strong yes" to the idea of eating that food, he or she was served that item.
"Because only one random trial was selected to count ', '" says Rangel, "the optimal strategy for subjects is to treat each decision as if it were the only one."
Simple, right? But here's the catch: before every 10 food choices, an instruction would come on the screen for five seconds telling the subjects either to "consider the healthiness," "consider the tastiness," or "make decisions naturally." This meant that of the 180 decisions, the subjects made 60 in each of the three "instruction conditions."
What this was meant to do, Rangel explains, is shift the subject's attention during the experiment and, potentially, shift the way in which they made decisions.
Afterward — outside the scanner — the subjects were asked to rate the same foods on both a tastiness scale (very untasty, untasty, tasty, very tasty) and a scale healthiness (very unhealthy, very unhealthy, healthy, healthy). That way, the researchers were able to associate the choices the subjects made during the brain scan with their stated perceptions of those foods ' attributes — showing that a subject who chose broccoli during the "consider the healthiness" portion of the test might think of it as untasty nonetheless.
The researchers then classified the foods for each subject based on that subject's ratings: unhealthy-untasty, healthy-untasty, unhealthy-tasty, and healthy-tasty. Unsurprisingly, people chose healthy-tasty foods no matter where their attention had been directed.
Things got interesting when the researchers looked at the other three categories, however. Among their findings:
When thinking about healthiness, subjects were less likely to eat unhealthy foods, whether or not they deemed them to be tasty, and more likely to eat healthy-untasty foods.
Being asked to think about healthiness led subjects to say "no" to foods more often than they did when asked to make decisions naturally.
There were no real differences between the choices made during the "consider the tastiness" and "make decisions naturally the western portion of the Medley".When the researchers turned to the fMRI results, they found that the vmPFC was, as influenza, "more responsive to the healthiness of food in the presence of health pool cues," says Rangel. And they'd, as seen previously, the robustness of that response was due to the latest of the dlPFC — that bastion hotel of self-control — which was much quieter when the study's subjects were thinking about taste or their own personal choice than when they were asked to healthiness throw into the equation.
"This latest of the increased health signals on the vmPFC results in an overall value for the food that is based more on its health properties than is the case when the subject's attention is not" focused on healthiness, "says Hare.
These results are most likely not limited just to choices about food, says Hare. "Our findings are also relevant to the current warnings actually changes to many governments have started to make," he notes. "These changes include adding graphical images of the health risks of smoking. It for improvement with regard to be seen whether these images will be more effective in drawing attention to the unhealthiness of smoking than the text warnings. If the graphical warnings do increase attention to health, then our results suggest that they could decrease the desire to smoke. "
Jonathan Malmaud, a former research assistant at Caltech who is now a graduate student at MIT, was also an author on the Journal of Neuroscience paper, Focusing attention on the health aspects of foods changes value signals in the vmPFC and improves dietary choice. " The scientists ' work was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Provided by California Institute of Technology (news: web)

health and safety

Monday, September 12, 2011

Offset by private health insurance for children of families: study

Families rely increasingly on public health insurance plans provide coverage for their children, a growing trend researchers associated with job losses, coverage changes to private insurance health plans, and expanded access to public plans, according to new research by the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire.
The trend is particularly strong in rural and urban areas, which traditionally had lower rates of coverage from suburban areas.
"When people are unemployed, not only losing their private insurance based on employment but, with the loss of income, families may be eligible for public projects recently. In addition, as a rule the poor economy and expanded eligibility for public projects may also play a more direct roles in changing health insurance rates among children, "the researchers reported.
Health insurance for children is provided mainly through Medicaid and children's health insurance program (SCHIP) of. Court taking into account a wide range of significant funding cuts for both programs as part of negotiations over the budget deficit, with suggestions ranging from cutting $ 100 billion over ten years to 1 trillion dollars over the same period.
The main findings of this survey show:
Health insurance coverage among children increased 1.3 percentage points from 2008-2009 in the United States, with the largest growth in central cities and rural areas.
The Northeast still has the highest percentage of coverage, with more than 95 percent of children covered. In the South has the lowest coverage rates, 89 percent.
Forty-four States, plus Washington DC and Puerto Rico had been a significant increase in the number of children covered by health insurance.
Twenty-seven Member States saw a decline in private health insurance coverage for children.
Children in the Central cities of the Midwest experienced the largest shift from private to public insurers in 2009. private insurance coverage decreased 4.3 percentage points, while the public coverage increased by 6,5%, approximately 9% of children at the national level are not covered by any form of insurance. More than half of these children are eligible for coverage through Medicaid or SCHIP.
"Research shows that most of these eligible children coming from Member States with low participation rates and are disproportionately within the query. Because those who have health insurance are healthier overall and, more importantly, because healthy children are more likely to become healthy adults, focusing on the coverage of eligible children should remain at the forefront of the agenda of the nation, "the researchers reported.

More info: the full report of this investigation, "All children covered by health insurance has increased in 2009, is available at http://www.carseyi … h. php? id = 168

Provided by the University of New Hampshire (news: web)

health and safety

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Vitamin d relieves joint, muscle pain for patients with breast cancer

Vitamin D relieves joint, muscle pain for breast cancer patients


High-dose vitamin d relieves pain for many patients of breast cancer with estrogen-lowering drugs, a new study shows. Credit: Michael c. Purdyhigh-dose vitamin d relieves pain for many breast cancer patients estrogen-lowering drugs, according to a new study from Washington University School of medicine in St. Louis.

Drugs, known as aromatase inhibitors, commonly referred to shrink breast tumors that are powered by the hormone estrogen and help prevent recurrence of cancer. It is less toxic than chemotherapy, but for many patients, the drug can cause serious musculoskeletal discomfort, including pain and stiffness in the hands, wrists, knees, hips, lower back, shoulders and legs.

"Approximately half of patients may experience these symptoms," says Antonella Rastelli l., MD, Assistant Professor of medicine and first author of the study, published online in the Journal for research on breast cancer and treatment. "We do not know exactly why pain occurs, but can be very debilitating — the point that patients decide to block the aromatase inhibitors."

This video is not supported by your browser at this time.Washington University physicians found that high doses of vitamin d helps to relieve pain in breast cancer patients estrogen-lowering drugs. Known as aromatase inhibitors, drugs to treat breast tumors being supplied by the hormone estrogen. It is less toxic than chemotherapy, but many patients experience severe musculoskeletal discomfort, including pain and stiffness in the hands, knees, hips, lower back, shoulders and legs. Credit: Clark BowenBecause drugs reduce recurrence of cancer, found a way to help patients remain on is important for long-term survival without relapse, according to Rastelli. Aromatase inhibitors are prescribed to post-menopausal women for at least five years and more frequently after the diagnosis of breast cancer. There is some evidence that patients have the experience of drug side effects are less likely to see the cancer returned, providing even more incentive to help these patients still.

Rastelli was by Marie e. Taylor, MD, Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, who first noticed that patients with aromatase inhibitors that experienced this pain found some relief from high doses of vitamin d.

Both the Group recruited Rastelli 60 patients reported pain and distress associated with anastrozole, one of the three FDA-approved aromatase inhibitors. Patients examined also had low vitamin d levels. Half of the Group were randomized to receive the recommended daily intake of vitamin d (400 IU) plus a capsule unit-50,000 vitamin d once a week. The other half received the daily intake of 400 units of vitamin d plus weekly placebo. All subjects received 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily throughout the study.

Patients in the study reported no pain suffered through three different questionnaires. They were asked to quantify the intensity of pain, as well as the report how the pain changed the climate, influenced their work and in relationships and everyday activities. The results show that patients with high-dose vitamin d each week reported significantly less musculoskeletal pain and also were less likely to experience the pain that interfered with daily life.

"High-dose vitamin d seems to be really effective at reducing musculoskeletal pain caused by aromatase inhibitors," says Rastelli. "Patients the impression weekly vitamin d better because their pain and sometimes strays completely reduced. This makes the drug much more tolerable. Millions of women worldwide to aromatase inhibitor therapy, and can we have another ' tool ' to remain in this anymore. "

Anastrozole as used in this study, two other aromatase inhibitors approved by FDA, letrozole and exemestane, should also give rise to musculoskeletal pain. Taking into account the similar reactions, Rastelli says patients about these drugs may benefit from high doses of vitamin d.

Vitamin used in this study is of a type derived from a plant called Vitamin D2. Rastelli says that achieves the best results when given weekly, because this body metabolizes within seven to 10 days. Rastelli and her colleagues used high-dose Vitamin D3, which remains in the body longer.

"This was a very carefully conducted study, and the control of the standard makes the findings very impressive," says Matthew j. Ellis, MD, Ph.d., senior author of the study and Director of the breast cancer program at the Center, Alvin j. Siteman cancer at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of medicine in St. Louis. "We have to take up these findings further to determine the most effective and safe approach for additional vitamin d in our patients with breast cancer."

Since vitamin d helps the body absorb calcium, too much of it can cause high levels of calcium in the urine, which may increase the risk of kidney stones. Possible reactions to stress the importance of patient monitoring urine calcium levels taking high doses of vitamin d.

"It is important to monitor patients, but overall it seems to be very safe," says Rastelli. Because Vitamin D2 is removed from the body so quickly, it is very difficult to overdose. "

In addition to the relief of pain, the Group wanted to examine whether it could protect vitamin d in the loss of bone that is often regarded as aromatase inhibitors in patients. The researchers measured each patient bone density at the beginning of the study again after six months.

Perhaps because of its role in calcium absorption, high-dose vitamin d appear to contribute to the maintenance of bone density in the neck of the femur, at the top of the thighbone near hip hinge. Although the result did not reach statistical significance, Rastelli calls the promising and worth further study.

"Great to have something simple as vitamin d to help patients to alleviate some of this pain," says Rastelli. "It is not toxic — does not cause significant side effects. And if that is actually to protect against bone loss, which is even better. "

More info: Rastelli AL, Taylor, Gao F, Armamento Villareal-R, S-Jamalabadi Majidi, Napoli n., Ellis, MJ. Vitamin d and aromatase inhibitor-induced musculoskeletal symptoms (AIMSS): a phase II, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial separated. Research on breast cancer and treatment. Online June 2011.

Provided by Washington University School of Medicine (news: web)

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Monday, September 5, 2011

New study highlights role of genetics in recovery from eating disorders

A significant number of people with eating disorders like anorexia nervosa have chronic studies. Are underweight and have a great chance of dying from malnutrition. No medication has been found that helps people who are chronically ill. Now, a new study sheds light on why some people have bad results.

An international team of scientists led by researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine (UCSD), and the Scripps Translational Science Institute (STSI) in La Jolla, CA, has identified possible genetic variations that could affect the patient's recovery from an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia. Their findings, reported online in the Journal Neuropsychopharmcology, may provide new insights into developing effective interventions for more treatment-resistant patients with these disorders.

"This study highlights important ' or ' genetic variations SNPs within a person's DNA, associated with long-term, chronic eating disorders," said Walter h. Kaye, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Director of the UCSD eating disorder treatment and research program, who was a senior writer with Ph.d., Nicholas j. Schork, Director of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics to STSI and Professor at the Scripps Research Institute. "These variations indicate genetic Predictor for patients who may be especially susceptible to eating disorders and diseases are more difficult to treat effectively.

Kaye said such genetic traits are also linked to people with higher and higher concerns over mistakes – characteristics associated with anorexia and bulimia.

Researchers from the Institute for collaborative study was responsible for the collection of data of the study, scientists at UCSD and STSI led the design of the study and analysis of results.

According to lead study author, cinnamon Bloss, PhD, Assistant Professor at the STSI, conclusions could ultimately help pave the way towards a more individualised approach in treating patients with eating disorders. "Anorexia and bulimia which possibly originate from many different causes, such as culture, family, life changes and personality traits," Bloss said. "But we know biology and genetics is important in terms of cause and can play a role in how different users respond to treatment. Understanding the genetics behind these treaties are important because ultimately that could help us customize treatment based on the genetic makeup of individuals, with the aim of more personalized and effective treatments. "

Anorexia and bulimia are serious and complex psychiatric disorders. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by an inability to maintain a normal body weight and a relentless pursuit of lachaniase, bulimia is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating. Recent studies, researchers, including Kaye speculate that anorexia and bulimia may share some risk factors, and that patients can be genetically predetermined to have personality traits and moods that make them susceptible to eating disorders.

"People with anorexia in particular are often resistant to treatment and lack of awareness of the medical consequences of their behavior, which can lead to chronic, prolonged illness and even death," said Kaye. "Became a problem for us, ' Prognostic factors Exist that could help clinicians to identify good versus poor results for treatments, including medications and psychotherapies? '"

The research team studied a total of 1,878 women in large-scale candidate gene Association study that was designed based on assumptions regarding the genes, pathways, and biological systems involved in sensitive to eating disorders. Most were people with lifetime diagnosis of either anorexia or anorexia and bulimia, hosted and lower body mass index, higher and higher concerns over mistakes from control issues.

Scientists identified then the top 25 most statistically significant SNPs (single nucleotide-other), after assessing a total of 5,151 SNPs in approximately 350 genes. According to Bloss, 10 of the 25 most strongly associated "haplotypes" (combinations of alleles for different genes are closely together on the same chromosome and who tend to be inherited together) involved in GABA genes, SNPs. An intronic SNP on chromosome 4 gene GABRGI showed the strongest correlation in chronic symptoms. "The study suggests that genes can be pre-dispose people in a cycle of chronic eating disorder," Bloss said, adding that additional studies are needed to confirm these compounds.

Provided by the University of California-San Diego (news: web)

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

One of the six fast-food customers cut calories after U.S. food import emfainoysas system

Approximately one-sixth of the customers used fast food calorie information and, on average, lower calories foods acquired since the introduction of a labelling system in the United States, says a new study published today in the British Medical Journal.

US researchers found there was a small but positive impact from a law introduced in 2008 in New York that require chain restaurants with 20 or more branches at the national level, to provide calorie information on menus and menu boards of the city.

Rates of obesity in the United States at a high in both adults and children and is currently one-third of adults and 17% of children of all ages and adolescents are obese. Several studies support an association between fast food consumption and excessive energy intake, but customers often underestimate the number of calories on restaurant meals and before 2007, nutrition information was rarely available at the time of purchase.

Thus, a team of researchers decided to assess the impact of calorie labelling regulation on the energy content of the individual markets in fast food restaurants in New York. High street chains in England are going to launch a similar scheme, though optional, as part of the Deal the Government responsible for public health.

Investigations completed during lunch hours in spring 2007 (one year prior to the regulation) and in the spring of 2009 (nine months after implementation) randomly selected locations in 168 chains of fast food top 11 in the city.

Adult customers supplied in the registry collection and answers to the questions of the survey. Analyzed data from customers in a customers 2007 7,309 and 8,489 2009.

Overall, there has been no reduction in calories purchased across the full sample. However, the three big chains saw significant reductions.

For example, McDonalds, average energy per market decreased by 5.3% to Au Bon Pain, decreased by 14.4% and KFC, decreased by 6.4%. Together, these three chains represented 42% of all customers of the study.

However, the average energy content increased in the chain – Metro – by 17.8%, which was to a large extent, large parts.

The analysis also showed that 15% of clients reported using the calorie information and, on average, these customers purchased 106 fewer as by customers who do not see or use the information in calories.

Researchers say that calorie labelling is only part of a framework for addressing the epidemic of obesity and solicit additional strategies for reducing energy intake by the population. "We must focus particular attention on about training customers on how to interpret and use nutrition information" award.

In an accompanying editorial, Dr Susan Jebb from MRC human nutrition research center at Cambridge believes that labelling is one step forward, but must follow the changes in the food supply. She writes: "Calorie labeling will help consumers to make an informed choice about what they eat, but steady improvement in the diet of the nation will require a transformation of the food supply."

Provided by the British Medical Journal (news: web)

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Imaging new technique records the activity of the brain in patients suffering from chronic low back pain

Research from Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) uses a new imaging technique, arterial spin labeling to display areas of the brain that are activated when patients with low back pain are worsening the usual, chronic pain. This research is published in the August issue of the Journal Anesthesiology.

"This study represents a first step towards providing tools to describe objectively a chronic pain is a subjective experience. We found that when a patient is worsening the grief the usual, there are changes in the activity of the brain, "said Ajay Wasan, MD, MSc, lead author of the paper and a researcher at the management centre at BWH pain."These changes occur in the network of brain areas that process pain and mood. "

Researchers compared 16 patients suffering from chronic low back pain (CLBP) in 16 healthy subjects. Participants submitted three Imaging sessions. The first was a qualification and training session. During the second meeting, researchers used clinical maneuvers, such as pelvic inclination or raising straight leg, temporarily aggravate pain in the back. In the third session, the heat was applied to the skin in a matching volume levels of pain during the second session. Patients rated pain levels before and after the sessions and after boost during the sessions.

During the last two sessions, researchers used arterial spin emfainoysas technique, which allows to quantify the blood flow to particular areas of the brain over time. The amount of blood flow is an indicator of Neuron activity in the region of the brain. They found that there was an increase in activity in the brain of patients with CLBP, only when it faced a worsening of the chronic pain and not during the period of operation of heat or pain in healthy participants. Researchers also note that some of the areas of the brain that is activated when participants experienced a worsening of chronic pain has proved to be linked to other types of pain that found in other studies. However, researchers also observed a number of areas, including activation of upper posterior lobule, which are less often associated with pain in the previous investigation.

"While this study begins to reveal some of the basic physiology of the brain, such as processes pain, most studies are needed to help understand how the brain can change during the processing of pain and to examine the mechanisms of brain pain that improves, '' Wasan said. "We are approaching the description, on an objective level, how the body and the brain reacts when a patient reports having more pain. We are hopeful that this could lead to an understanding of the individual patient and neurocircuitry that knowledge may lead to therapies that are tailored to the individual. "

By Brigham and women's Hospital

View the original article here

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Atlantic Beach

Atlantic Beach
Atlantic Beach welcomes new visitors and vacationers back with a hot sun and a wealth of activities. Enjoy the beautiful beaches and major attractions, while enjoying the historic beauty, heritage and amazing the area is known for.
They say there are at least 101 things to do on the coast of crystal, and we say with certainty that it is true. Atlantic Ocean and the Intracoastal Waterway and rivers winding, water-activities include boat tours, cruises, scuba diving, Tours Ecology, fishing piers and fishing, kayaking and boat rentals and more. Atlantic Beach offers one of the best dive destinations in the United States and its natural beauty is unmatched.
The story is also a major attraction at the Crystal Coast. Visitors can enjoy many fun activities along the beach of the Atlantic. For family fun, miniature golf, bumper cars and jetskis fabulous diversions.
Local heritage is also indicated in attractions such as the historic site and museum Core Sound Waterfowl. Skilled craftsmen also gathered along Atlantic Beach. Galleries, arts and entertainment and craft sales abound.
The Crystal Coast is a golfer's paradise with many top flight courses to choose from. With several golf courses in the region, such as Brandywine Bay, Star Hill and Silver Creek Golf Course, you can play from sun up to sundown.
Fall offers the North Carolina Seafood Festival the first week in October on the waterfront of Morehead City and Atlantic Beach King Makerel tournament in September.
Whether in spring, summer or fall, the beautiful Crystal Coast has something to offer everyone. Atlantic Beach offers the serenity of a lazy one week holiday and a weekend. Call our location in Atlantic Beach real estate and blue water vacation to find your "little place in the sun" today.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

HSE issues two improvement notices to the IAH

The Institute for animal health has confirmed that it has received the HSE two communications earlier in the year.

The first notice in accordance with the IAH came to them when liquid material leaked some waste from the incineration plant in Pirbright Laboratory of the Institute kept. However, the staff was quick to respond to the incident. There were no traces of the virus have been verified in the liquid and all processes and procedures to avoid unwanted incident in the future. The same was the HSE informed.

A joint statement by IAH and biotechnology and biological of Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) said that the second notification because of cracking a container has been issued you virus contained foot and mouth disease. The jump came MBSC safety Cabinet note during the defrost cycle within a class II in a safe organic laboratory. The whole area was cleaned and leaked no germs in the outside world had no risk was involved.

Two notes were sent IAH to that. While the Institute has taken remedial action on one of them, the other that a complaint has been sent, confirmed speakers from HSE. He however comment on the contents of the notes.

The Pirbright site, where the IAH is, became the center of the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in August 2007. no charges have been framed then against it, because the exact cause of the outbreak could not be completed.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

7 Year-old girl caught in the swimming pool for more than 2 minutes

Basildon magistrates' Court instead of Castle point Borough Council guilty for violation of section 3 paragraph 1 of the health and safety at work, and so on. Be Canvey Iceland 1974, when a young girl at the age of 7 years met with an accident at the waterside swimming pool in the middle on May 2, 2009. You were fine £ 18,000 and costs of £ 7,500.

The HSE explored the matter said that with her great grandfather owned the Castle point Borough Council pool swim this young girl was gone. Suddenly, steckengeblieben their leave her hair in a vent of the water sampling outlet to the pool for almost 2 minutes and 36 seconds after air snatch. Her great-grandfather had take a cluster of her hair, to get them back to safety. She was on unconscious, blue and limp from the water, but slowly gained awareness brought.

The investigations revealed that the owner of the pool, who were also responsible for the security of its members it had failed to carry out their obligations with respect to the safety of the public with its pool. They had only a vent instead of two in the example outlet and therefore was not a back up for the fall that has blocked a vent. There were only two lifeguards in the service of those who fail at the see see the other the pool note the girl who caught because of the glare of the Sun, was while cleaning. The Court on hearing the HSE, the Council for the accident blamed.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hampshire roofing company fined more than £ 34,000 for polluting environment with asbestos

A recent decision against concept Services Ltd provides the fact coverings and sheathing, that asbestos particles are not only very dangerous for the health and safety of the community, but also all companies, the violation of the asbestos be laws severely punished.

The case turned to a serious breach back concept covers and panels Services Ltd, which regard to accomplish the restore asbestos roof of 12 commercial units were asbestos two years in bath street in market Harborough between December 2008 and the end of January 2009. However, the case got at the highlighted and health controls specialists by Leicestershire County Council premises and asbestos found elements in Opera.

But everything, that this was done during the cleaning asbestos roof of concept roofing and cladding Services Ltd. tiled roof company to the water under full pressure when cleaning of asbestos tiles of the necessary legal method asbestos tiles carefully wash with water in a container. The complete Gush water next to the cleaning of asbestos tiles scattered also asbestos into the environment. With objections of traders due to the polluted environment, work ended abruptly when the heavy contamination came also to the attention of the company. Clean-Up of asbestos was then done by a qualified asbestos removal company monitoring the contamination to such a large scale and the presence of asbestos in the air, companies had to shut for many months with empty field close down their services and the car. Cleaning up asbestos took several months, during which the workers understood the extent of the situation, if contaminated their marks on the walls, asbestos was found in drains and bus stops.

Transaction of the whole thing, and the understanding of the seriousness of the case, Leicester magistrates' Court recently pursued and punished the company for violating the regulation 16 of the control of asbestos programme Regulations 2006. Although concept roofing and cladding Services Ltd accepts his mistake it was punished costs £ 12,000 in £ 22,375 as persecution.

According to the report cited in Leicester mercury said of concept covers and panels Stephen Climie Services Ltd, which up to 5 m was a subcontractor company and commissioned, cleaning asbestos roofs in the twelve business firms. However, even, before she had begun their work, almost four business areas already damaged were and drips and polluted area.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Agency for road safety

EU-OSHA (European Agency for safety and health) takes some of the initiatives for the prevention of road accidents, that work regularly faced with professional drivers. EU-OSHA has a Web site, to protect the drivers. The site offers the major reports on road accidents of the United Nations Decade of the action programme for road safety (2011-2020).

In 2009, a large number of truck drivers usually on light tasks due to road accidents their lives lost. Record says more than a thousand drivers been the victims of such accidental deaths this year. The victims were mainly vans and truck driver, motorcycle couriers, drivers, buses and coaches, drivers and other groups.

EU-OSHA will continue to say that the trucks and truck drivers are also expected to other hazards faced on the road, such as violence and robberies, dangers of vibration are common problems. You also glide and often fall from their vehicles and have serious injuries on her body. But EU-OSHA stresses the fact that it is the drivers about the dangers that they encounter on the road every day make quite a complicated task. It is to make even more difficult to comply with the General safety standards on road.

Majority of companies in this sector are small business houses and around 10 employees under each of these companies are busy. Much of the workers are also self-employed have an independent work style. .

The EU-OSHA Web sites provide useful practical examples of unwanted incidents on the road, especially in and around Europe. You have provided materials focusing on certain groups, such as drivers, driver of couriers, and similar categories taxi. The initiatives of the EU-OSHA to the road breakdowns include awareness-raising programmes for drivers, who work every day travel. These programs have significantly improved the health and safety of the driver.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A & E Department design aim, citing violence are checked

Designers are designs of the hospital's accident and emergency (A & E) sections to formulate rethink in the effort, new methods for the cutting of hostility and physical assaults against NHS staff meanwhile said at least 69 million GBP each year affecting staff absences, additional safety and loss in productivity.

The 2009 NHS staff review of the care quality Commission revealed that something more than 10 people experienced violence physical of patients or patients families last year. Security management service NHS statistics also show that every day during 2009 / 10 on 150 violent attacks against medical staff, which more than 56,700 actual attacks in England as a whole was been reported compared.

'Reduction of violence and aggression in A & E design' is a project, which has been a year of operation is the Design Council operated and accredited by the Department of health.

The plan is to include health experts, patients, architects, designers and NHS operational staff in the preparation and the examination of the possible resolutions. A search launched across the UK by the Design Council for one or more teams that hospital are familiar with a and E patients and employees at these three NHS - Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust, guys and St. Thomas's NHS Foundation Trust, and with Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

The results should include the following:
• Variations in interior design, including space use and redesign of the layout or start fresh goods and furniture.
• Review the clinical and non-clinical organization and service design.
• Better quality of information for patients and patient families.

The design team that WINS will produce an array of original solutions for visitors, staff and patients one better and safer experience a and E.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Nestlé Purina fine with 50,000 pounds of an accident at work 2006

A case with incident, which scalded his judgment recently with Cambridge received Crown Court announce the company five workers in the NestlĂ© Purina food processing plant in Wisbech in 2006 guilty not adequate measures to protect of their workers in the exchange of a controlling system hydrostatic drive which is required according to law. The company, the also violations of section 2 paragraph 1 of the health and safety at work etc Act 1974 and 13 of regulation of pressure systems safety regulations adopted 2000 was ordered to pay £ 50,000 as fines in £ 26,634.15 as persecution charges.

The case is an incident centered round plant on the Wisbech occurred in the Nestlé Purina PetCare (UK) limited. On 4 August 2006 wore as part of their work, five employees of the company of maintenance of the HST. This processing food equipment work on high pressure steam powered powerful steam and boiling water from the equipment due to its not work correctly, causing severe burns care who worked on the hands, face and arms of five employees. All five employees were treated in the hospital for their burns with a in aesthetic plastic surgery on his arm due to the extent of causing the burning process.

HSE probe to the whole incident brought the company failure in light of not enough security measures to protect of their employees, as in the guidelines directed change and fixing systems control of high pressure processing equipment.

Justify the heavy penalty ordered the Court to Nestlé Purina PetCare (UK) limited, HSE Inspector noted that each organization responsibility to comply with the health and safety guidelines for the welfare of their employees. Therefore, must in the fix or change a controlling agreement such as regulators or switches in high pressure processing equipment follow correct procedures and instructions in order to protect their employees. If Nestlé Purina had implemented taking into account all processes with staff security would then this incident occurred not stated Brendan burns.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Research on stress of workers

A research was to find out, performed via the stress level among the workers of the mental health charity. Spirit, called the research, found that most are workers fear, release from the Office, in the event that they mention about their mental health. Work is the most stress factor in their lives.

The study was carried out under the two thousand employees. It is believed by all five respondents that they are placed in the line of redundancy when they mention on stress. Around 22 percent of them lost their jobs as before had they their mental health issues to their employer announced.

Mr Paul farmer said the Chief Executive of the research, that stress and mental health unacceptable structure are concepts for modern work. Stress and pressure are inevitably aspects of our life, but not to understand, a mistake that will cost billions of pounds in companies is that there is a limit to anyone. The stigma of mental health problems is immense and the staff are fear silence about stress at work for fear of losing their jobs.

According to research, almost half of those surveyed workers are to take fear leaves for health issues. You can be considered redundant in such a case. The fear of redundancy seems to be more for public sector workers. One-third of workers be stressed if there is a reduction to the households. About two-thirds of the employees complain that they were put under immense pressure from the management level, especially after the downturn.

Four of all ten employees said, stress, or mental health is a taboo in the field of work and as excuses for other purposes. Stress is a reality of everyone's still unaddressed in the work tree today remain update problem life.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Is it safe DIET you did?

    Live the diet correctly and as needed so as not to lead to catastrophe for health. Having an ideal body is a dream of all people. Because the body with excess weight tend to be more susceptible to various diseases. Choose the right diet and regular exercise to be healthy and ideal body. Various types of diet It is important to choose the right diet for everyone are physically different. Learn in advance the types of popular diets from time to time, particularly the advantages and disadvantages of each, before deciding to choose a diet that is appropriate for you. • Atkins Diet Popular in the 2000s, discovered by Dr. Robert Atkins. The body will burn fat reserves when the body is no longer carbohydrates as fuel. Food consumed was mostly foods that contain protein and fat, like cheese, eggs and butter. Atkins diet is indeed proven to reduce weight quickly. A study showed that those who follow this diet can lose weight up to 7 pounds in 6 months. Beware! High-protein diet can aggravate the kidneys and your liver. The minimal consumption of vegetables and fruit can also make your body drawback to the intake of vitamins, minerals and fiber, consequently the body can not function normally. • South Beach Diet Beginning Dr. Arthur Agatston created this diet to help patients lower cholesterol and blood sugar. Foods that may be consumed must be in accordance with the phase of the diet, with processed foods and soft drinks as a prohibition. South Beach diet can reduce the loss of up to 6 kg in only 2 weeks in the first phase, but it also kind of diet is believed to prolong life and maintain health. Beware! Initially a bit difficult to follow this diet because you have to forget about food and drink favorites, such as potatoes, bread, cake and ice cream. Although this type of diet is proven to reduce weight, not actual fat content is reduced, but the water content in our body. • Bloodtype Diet Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo, a naturopathic, had the idea that blood type is of key importance in determining the appropriate food. By eating foods according to blood type can reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease, while maintaining the stability of body weight. Beware! Many nutritionists are not mengkonfi rmasi this study and assume that this theory is not based on scientific literature. Choosing the appropriate type of diet Almost all types of diets offer a "slim fast", but be careful in choosing the type of diet that will be executed because the diet was not necessarily appropriate for the body. Here are some tips on choosing the right diet and appropriate, in order not to harm the body. 1.Pelajari. Gather lots of information and consideration also underlies your opinion of nutrition experts and research studies. 2.Waspadai side effects. Know your body past medical history, if suffering from certain types of diseases such as anemia, allergies or high blood pressure make sure you disclose it to a dietician. 3.Disiplin. Do not try to improvise in terms of diet, follow the diet that you live and discipline yourself so as not easily tempted. Any reducing food intake can make you malnourished. 4.Take your time. At the beginning of the diet for our bodies to do the adaptation process and this process takes time. Avoid doing activities that drain your energy so you do not feel tired. 5.Olahraga. Make exercise part of your diet and lifestyle. Choose your favorite sport to suit your ability.

5 Reasons You Need To Eat Apples, Now

Apple is a fruit that is quite easy to get. The taste is sweet and fresh would make a great snack straight, or turned into juice, salads, and even cakes. But not only taste amazing, apple also has many health benefits. You must know the various health benefits of apples for the day-to-day. So, why not start getting used to enjoy it a daily?
1. Apple is slow food
    This fruit contains 5 grams of fiber, or 20 percent of your daily intake needs. Because hard, apple requires you to chew with the patient, and this could signal the body that you're full, before you get too many calories. Natural sweetener in apple enters the bloodstream gradually, helping you keep your blood sugar and insulin levels remain stable, so you feel full longer. This is the opposite of snacks with artificial sweeteners, which makes you hungry again quickly.
2. Apples help you breathe easier
    Women, who eat apples during pregnancy, will give birth to a child with a reduced risk of asthma, according to researchers from the UK recently. It also can protect the lungs of adults, lowering the risk of asthma, lung cancer and other diseases.
3. Apples can lower cholesterol
    Thanks to two key components, pectin (a type of fiber) and polyphenols (a powerful antioxidant), apples can reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent oxidation of bad cholesterol, a chemical process that turns it into plaque that clogs arteries. To maximize the benefits of apples, eating apples with the skin. Apple skins have two to six times the antioxidant compounds.
4. Apple could fight cancer
    Laboratory test results showed that some compounds in the juicy fruit curb the growth of cancer cells, but will work optimally when the apple is eaten whole (minus the stem and seeds, of course). People who consume more than one apple a day will reduce the risk of some cancers (mouth, esophagus, colon, breast, ovarian, prostate, etc.) amounting to 9-42 per cent.
5. Apples make you smarter
    Perhaps because of increased production of acetylcholine, a chemical that transmits messages between nerve cells, apples are thought to keep the brain sharp as you age, increase memory, and potentially reduce the chances of getting Alzheimer's disease, according to a recent study from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. This study was just done on animals. But there's nothing wrong if you start trying to get used to eating this nutritious snack.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Benefits of exercise

Sports Olahraga2.gifdengar said there must be something Seneng Hate ato ... but all must Dah tw SeBenerNa Sports Klo Tu penting bgt ... Yes ... Yes .. well ... The word ipin c GTU. Many of the benefits of e Um Why, as follows:

Increases range of motion
Increases stamina
Releasing anxiety
Relieve sexual performance
Relieves symptoms of menopause
Helps prevent heart disease
Preventing osteoporosis
Improve mental acuity
Improve concentration
Reduce the risk of breast cancer
Improving outlook on life
Reduce arthritis pain
Controlling cholesterol
Burn fat
Speeding up metabolism
Eliminate pre-menstrual symptoms
Help us stop smoking
Relieves depression
Reducing the cost of living
Improving job satisfaction
Preserve muscle
Preserve the internal organs (liver, kidney)
Improving reaction time
Improving cardiovascular fitness
Increase energy
Improving coordination of nerves and muscles
Increases the body's ability to fight infection
Reduce the risk of glaucoma
Reduce the risk of colon cancer
Lowering blood pressure
Reduce the risk of obesity
Burn calories
Improve constipation
Prevent endometriosis
Reduce alcohol consumption
Reduce stress
Improving self-esteem
Increase feelings of well-
Improve IQ
Enhance creativity
Reducing work absences
Increase productivity
Improve flexibility
Improving blood circulation
Increasing mobility
Improve memory / reduce the risk of dementia
Shorten recovery time after illness or injury
Improve your back health
Sleep soundly
Prolong life
To make it healthier diSaranin Fit Sport 30 Minutes a Day. Quote of regular exercise performed more frequently and will be better than exercising for 3 hours but 2 weeks or more.

Easiest Ways To Move Body

We often hear about a healthy lifestyle: not smoking, healthy weight, eating healthy foods, and diligent exercise. Simple, right? Yes, get a healthy life is actually really easy. Simply by making some small changes, you can begin a healthier life.
BenefitHere are some benefits to be gained by doing light exercise routine:

Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Increase joint stability
Helps maintain the body's flexibility
Maintain bone mass
Prevent osteoporosis and fractures
Improve mood
Improve memory in people who have older
Reduce stress
A study has found that losing weight by 10% able to help obese people reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and increase lifespan.
Your body movementsYou can perform weight-loss program now by doing things light. Forget drugs or heavy equipment to practice, simply by adding a few simple habits in your daily life. Though looks very simple, if done with routine activities, you can get the ideal body weight.
Turn off the TV
Once a week, turn off your TV and try to do other activities that involve more physical such as exercising, or playing with the family. Such activities would be more useful and able to burn more calories than just sitting on the couch.
Find a good chance to walk away. The morning before leaving office, for example, or the evening while taking the dog for a walk your pet.
Do your homework
Gardening, raking leaves or sweeping the floor are some of them. Events such as these may not be classified as an exercise, but by doing so, your body will be more active 'move'. Other benefits? The house becomes more clean and beautiful!
Eating WellEating healthy food is part of a healthy lifestyle. It can support a healthy diet by regulating the diet and the right time and a balanced nutritional intake. You can use the new version of the Food Pyramid to choose foods that will be consumed or simply follow the following tips:

Eat more fruit. Add to cereals at breakfast, salad, or even at dinner.
Camil more vegetables. Happy snacking? Try to insert more vegetables in your snack menu like the peppers on a pizza, tomato on a sandwich, or extra vegetables in pasta sauce. Keep canned vegetables because it is not fresh and did not even make a healthy living. Choose vegetables that are fresh.
Make some substitutes. Open the cupboard or refrigerator where you used to store food. Choose three of the most frequent type of food you consume. Write down the nutrients for each food. The next step, select the food type, but with lower calories.
Creating a healthy lifestyle does not always have to make drastic changes. Often, drastic changes have caused the failure. Start with small changes every day in your life to gain substantial benefits and continue to find out things that can make life was always healthy.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

3 Reasons Sports Morning Better

    Fitness centers are generally filled with office workers who practice cardio or playing instrument since 06.00 am. This is encouraging, because now people are increasingly aware to choose a healthy lifestyle. They are even willing to steal in the midst of his time to practice.
    If you are office workers with irregular working hours, there is no harm in trying this new habit. Instead of drinking coffee to make the body fresh, mild exercise in the morning, because the benefits are also much more. It would be better if you choose to exercise outdoors than indoors. Here's the reason why morning exercise more fun:
1. Improve and enhance the mood
    Sleep disorders, stress will load the job at hand, or a fight with a lover, can make you wake up with a grouchy. Mood that was already broken in the morning, will affect your feelings in a day later. Therefore, before the move, you should take the time to exercise. Research shows that exercise can boost endorphins and hormones other feel-good in the body, so as to keep a sense of laziness or upset, and make you smile all day.
2. Helps burn more calories
    According to health experts, the morning exercise can increase metabolism, so as to regulate the body to burn more calories throughout the day. In fact, even when you rest the body is still burning calories.
3. The air is cleaner
    In general, better air quality during the morning, rather than in the afternoon or evening. So when you walk or jog around the neighborhood in the morning, you will breathe cleaner air. You will also be exposed to morning sun. You know, when exposed to morning sun, the body produces vitamin D in large numbers. Vitamin D will help strengthen your bones.
    Start Now with run in the morning