Thursday, June 21, 2007

Add a "Save as PDF" Button to your Websites and Blog Pages

print webpage pdf Want site visitors to print or download your blog posts as PDF documents ?

PDF Online, the free PDF conversion service that helps you create PDF files of your Microsoft Office documents, has released a new online tool for converting HTML web pages to PDFs.

Here's how the new service works - bloggers add a small Javascript snippet in the blog templates, visitors can click the "Save Page as PDF" button and the current web page will be rendered as a PDF document.

Though the "SavePagesAsPDF" service is in closed beta, you can still give it a try as show below:

<script type="text/javascript">
function savePageAsPDF() {
   var pURL = "" + escape(document.location.href);, "PDFOnline", "scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes,width=640, height=480,menubar,toolbar,location");
<a href="javascript:savePageAsPDF()">Save Page As PDF</a>

Real Example - Print as PDF

When the SavePageAsPDF service goes live officially, you will be able to track all the PDF conversion activities on your website helping you visualize the most popular content  on your blog.

More on the service at and

This will be in direct competition with HP Print Widget that also allow printing blog posts and RSS feeds as PDF documents.

Related: CSS for Printer Friendly Web Pages

Update: You can directly embed the URLs in your blog posts without using any javascript. Use the following values for cURL instead of encodeURIComponent(document.location.href)

Classic Blogger - <$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>
Blogger XML Template - data:post.url
WordPress - <?php the_permalink();?>


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