Thursday, September 27, 2007

Google Warez Search Engine

adobe cs3 master softwre indiaIt takes lot of effort for websites to rank high in Google web search results - you require lot of incoming links, unique content, good reputation and sometimes a decent PageRank as well.

However, warez sites (that illegally distribute pirated software) seem to have discovered a way to trick Google.

Do a search for "adobe cs3 master collection" on and you'll be so much surprised to know that five out the top ten results on the first page are linking to underground sites. (enlarge the screenshot)

adobe cs3 master collection keygen google

Other than Amazon and CNET, none of the reputable websites that review Adobe software in detail (like PC World, PC Magazine, Photoshop User or Adobe Labs) have managed to score a place on the first page of Google courtesy these warez websites.

And Adobe Creative Suite 3 is probably one of the best selling software - you can easily guess that by looking at the density of Adsense Ads on the search page.

Google may not be the next Baidu but they quickly need to get rid of this spam which is dangerous both for the general visitors and the software companies.

Related: Downloads Adobe CS3 Wallpapers


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