Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Interesting Picks

Which iPod Should You Buy?

Planning to buy an iPod but cannot decide which iPod model to choose from? This quick iPod Buying guide compares all the new iPod models to help you pick the best iPod for your needs.

Smart Ways to Lower The Cost of Printing; Save on Ink and Paper

The best way to reduce printing costs is to educate people – Can employees do without printing a hard copy of that email message? Is it essential to distribute the PowerPoint training material in paper format when it’s always available on the company’s intranet?

Custom Email Addresses for Windows Live Hotmail Users in India

Microsoft is trying something unique to make Windows Live Hotmail popular among Indians (especially the young crowd). Instead of the default @hotmail.com or @live.com address, you can now opt for other email address choices that relate more closely with your personality, interests or lifestyle.

Rupee Mail - You Read An Email Newsletter And Make Some Money

A a new service in India is offering to pay you a certain sum of money if you agree to receive some of their marketing emails (that contain advertisements). You give your email address to RupeeMail and specify your areas of interest - you’ll then receive advertisement messages in your inbox.

Google may partner Anil Ambani for sub-sea cable project

Google is beefing up the infrastructure to make use of rising internet usage across globe especially in Asia-Pacific regions by setting up its own under-sea cable across Pacific, under a project called Unity. This would help Google to meet its data and video transfer requirements from US to Asian countries.


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