Friday, May 18, 2007

Browser Bookmarks (or Favorites) As Popular As

A lot of users still use the traditional favorites system of web browsers to bookmark websites that they find interesting.

AddThis, a free service that allows visitors to bookmark webpages on social websites, today released an interesting report that showcases the current trends in social bookmarking.

While Google Boorkmarks,, Yahoo! MyWeb are the most popular places for saving bookmarks, local bookmarking is at an impressive third-place and nearly as popular as the system.

If you provide users with an easy option, they are more likely to put your content in their local bookmarks folder.

Here are detailed instructions on adding the "Bookmark the website" or "Bookmark the web page" link to your blog on Wordpress, Blogger or MovableType. The code should work on IE, Firefox and Opera.

AddThis Report [Thanks Darren]


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