Sunday, May 6, 2007

Technorati Removes Alexa Rankings, Explains Blog Authority


As you can see in the before-n-after screenshots above, Technorati has made some minor changes to their Blog Profile pages [example].

This Technorati design changes are not to prevent Technorati Gaming but there two significant developments:

1. Technorati has removed the Alexa Traffic charts and daily post count from blog profile pages.

2. Technorati no longer displays the links cosmos number [how many blog posts and unique blogs are linking]

Instead, they are ranking blogs based on Authority which is simply the number of blogs [not number of blog posts] linking to a website in the last six months.

So multiple incoming links from the same blog will increment the Technorati Authority by just one.

Add to Technorati FavoritesDorion Carroll says that Technorati Rank is calculated based on how far you are from the top. The blog with the hightest Technorati Authority is the #1 ranked blog. The smaller your Technorati Rank, the closer you are to the top.


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