Friday, August 31, 2007

Ashley Cecil - Blogging as a Hobby and Profession

Ask any A-List blogger in the world for some tips on blogging and the first thing they'll say is "Write on topics that you are passionate about, topics on which can continue writing for years without getting bored.."

Meet Ashley Cecil - she is a talented painter at heart and as you would have guessed it, her blog - the Painting Activist - is all about her paintings.

ashley cecil Unlike most creative artists who spend big dollars for showcasing their portfolio online, Ashley has taken a very different approach - she has put her paintings on a simple WordPress blog and interestingly, that's also her business website.

Blog readers (or prospective customers) can see her paintings, read details like what inspired that painting, what idea does the canvas convey and in some cases, Ashley adds a time-lapse video of the painting. If someone likes to purchase a print, there's an easy link to PayPal with every painting.

Blog comments make it easy for clients to interact directly with the artist or read opinions left by other readers.

Ashley's blog could be an inspiration for thousands of artistic souls in this world who are very creative but need a break. If you have a story to tell and a product to sell, a blog, which is so easy to maintain, can do wonders.


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