Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Create Web Forms with Zoho Creator - WYSIWYG Form Designer

create online web forms If you are looking to add professional looking contact email forms or feedback forms to your web pages, look no further than Zoho Creator - this new web based form builder offers some very unique and useful features that aren't available in any of the other HTML form builders.

[Watch Zoho forms live in action on our blog - Contact Us and Add URL]

First, Zoho Creator has a very simple drag-n-drop interface to help you design online forms in minutes - they have a set of readymade templates for commonly used forms like "Contact Us", "Feedback", "Online Surveys" and so on.

Zoho imposes absolutely no limits on number of form transactions, the service is free of advertising and best of all, advanced users get more control as they can modify the underlying form logic with simple easy-to-understand scripts (like you have VB in Microsoft Access).

If you are using Zoho Creator to build bug submission forms or for online contests or for accepting job resumes, there's a special field for you called - "File Upload" where users/candidates can upload their resumes, pictures, documents, etc.

download form pdf The other big advantage of using Zoho Creator for building online forms is that your entire database is available to you as a web spreadsheet where the form fields become the spreadsheet column names - that makes managing data a whole lot simple as you can sort, bulk delete or even search across old entries.

You can track form activity using RSS feeds, download the form records as a PDF file or read them online as an HTML web page.  Highly recommended. [Make sure create forms in Public mode for embedding them in web pages]


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