Monday, July 9, 2007

Game On! TechCrunch Ex-Editor Launches BlogNation to Rival TechCrunch International ?

Sam Sethi, who departed ways with Michael Arrington following the Loic Le Meur (Le Web 3) controversy, has launched a new blog called BlogNation that will cover Web 2.0 technology startups from across the globe particularly Asia and Europe.

Understandably, BlogNation will not cover any startups based in Silicon Valley but they do have an army of technology bloggers to cover the start-up scene in most other non-US regions including China, Japan, Australia and Brazil. [content will be in English]

The TechCrunch UK site has been lying defunct ever since the departure of Sam though Mike did promise a June 1 relaunch which never happened. Ironic but maybe TC UK is headed to the deadpool and Sam has big plans to fill that void - he also has VC's to back the venture.

In related reading, Michael Parsons at Times Online has a good analysis of challenges faced by bloggers when they try to expand from being a one-man army to a media empire managing several writers bloggers.

Blogging is a performance art, like juggling. Some people can do it very well, but have you ever tried to manage a troop of jugglers? If the bloggers Arrington attracts are as good as him, they can quite easily set up on their own and tell him to go swivel. If they're not as good, we'll just keep reading Arrington.

And when Arrington is in meetings to discuss the page layouts for additional blogs and settling the awkward personality conflict between two people in his team, he won't be writing great stuff or networking with people to inform that writing.

This is probably applicable to all bloggers including Arrington, Om Malik, Pete Cashmore, Richard MacManus, Rafat Ali and now Sam Sethi who are expanding their blogging empires by adding more heads.

Related:  Former TechCrunch Writer Natali Del Conte


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